Jan Z.

[Afterbuy Support]

AW: Afterbuy API - XML, kein Produktname [EN]      Antwort vom 06.12.2021 um 10:40:48   

thank you for reaching out! I assume it's about the GetSoldItems call? If I do one with my test account the "ItemTitle" parameter is regularly available.

I assume there is an Item Title in Afterbuy itself? If so, feel free to send us your XML Request, Response, and your customer number to so we can take a quick look at your XML Request.


Yours faithfully
Jan Z.


Registriert: 05.12.2021
Beiträge: 1
Stadt: Görlitz
Land: Deutschland  
Branche: Automobil

Afterbuy API - XML, kein Produktname [EN]      Erstellt am 05.12.2021 um 15:23:59   
I make an app with sold product infos on base of XML API plugin for afterbuy.
I have already connected and got the appropriate datas - like in describled example -
Only issue is that I don't get the 'ItemTitle' parameter which I care about the most. All other datas are there - prices, qty, article number, buyer full info, only the parameter with item title is an empty array and according to documentation it should be a string.
Can someone help me in that matter?